
« NaBloPoMo 27: took a real camera out with me today and took the long way home | Main

NaBloPoMo 29:

Even for me, I have gotten an impressive amount of nothing done for the past few days. That 900-item to-do list I jotted down on Tuesday night didn't even get looked at once. I did pay bills today (which wasn't on the list, ha) and got all freaked out and worried about money since they're muttering that our likely strike that will likely happen sometime after February 10 will likely go on for a month. I just don't see how my life can handle that and still have enough money to get through the summer (which is of course unpaid time off, just like Wednesday was an unpaid day off).

Inside the harbor

I didn't even do my usual Sunday lunch food cooking! I'm going to eat out of the freezer this week. ;)

Posted by Duff at November 29, 2015 04:09 PM


Ugh, another strike? Wha???!!! Well you can always stay in my front room. It'd be boring, but free.

Posted by: silvia at December 16, 2015 01:00 AM

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