Big Screen (IMAX): Beowulf

Not a great, movie, no. But enjoyable? Certainly. Melodramatic and predictable? Yes. Humorously macho? Indeed! (That’s a positive!) A very muscle-y bravado Beowulf? Yum.

Decent performances from Anthony Hopkins and John Malkovich, neither of whom I had any idea were in this. And very seductive work by Angelina Jolie; I particularly like the ending where I (at least) was fairly certain we were meant to think her spell was about to work again…

I am finding myself very annoyed with people recently who will ONLY go to “good” “arthouse” flicks. Sanctimonious much? Sometimes I WANT to see an action film. Sometimes I WANT to see mainstream movies. Oh, I’m so pedestrian! You are so much MORE of a person than me! [Make. Me. Puke.]

IMAX viewing is weird though. When they’re standing super still and the camera is super close to their face, then they look real. When there’s motion (of any kind) or they’re not right up front, they look like 3D cardboard cutouts. Like in “Stepmom” when Julia Roberts helps the kids make big blown-up cardboard cutouts of pictures of them? Yeah, exactly like that. So you’re always wondering if visually it was actually better in regular flat movie viewing. (And less queasy, surely.)

Have to laugh with Megan though, the whole “covering up the penis” shots were hilarious, there were soooo many of them, and honestly, just have him wear a loincloth and then we don’t have to keep putting people’s elbows, or helmets, or candles, in the way of “it”.