Nonfiction: “Under the Banner of Heaven” by Jon Krakauer

subtitle: “A Story of Violent Faith”. KC gave me this for Christmas and it’s probably something I would not have bought on my own. But daaaammmmmn is it good. Following several crimes committed by Mormon “Fundamentalists” (those who have broken away from the “mainstream” LDS Mormon church), it goes through the history of Mormonism itself, the philosophy of many of the breakaway sects, interviews with current members of regular Mormonism, fundamental Mormonism, as well as “apostates” (excommunicated members), and members who ran away from it all (Run! RUN FAR!!!!!).

It is incredibly researched and extremely well written and I could barely put it down long enough to go to sleep at night. Completely compelling reading about crazy, scary people. Extra kudos to Krakauer for including the rebuttal from the LDS Mormons (who aren’t really the FOCUS of the book anyway) and going through it point by point to either acknowledge errors or alternately say “Nope, I am right on that.”

Extremism in any area of life (religion, adventure, etc.) is not necessarily something I’m interested in, but it’s so well written, it was well worth reading.