In concert: Travis (!!!)

[Yes it took me FOREVER to write this up, went to see them July 21.]

I have been waiting to see this band for a LONG time and I was NOT disappointed. They finally put out a new album this spring after…I think SIX years since their last real album!!! (“Singles” in 2004 doesn’t really count to me.) Their albums can be pretty mellow so I thought maybe this would be a sleepy little relaxed concert. Um, NO. Not at all. Totally high energy, bouncing off the walls, singing their hearts out. So amazing. Tied with Gomez for my #1 live show so far this year, and I really do not foresee enjoying myself this much at any of the concerts I have lined up for the near future.

If you like their tunes AT ALL, their sweet, sweet melodies and (sometimes) melancholy lyrics and the extreme hummability of all their songs…make sure you catch them on their way through town. The sound was amazing, they turned songs I don’t even love off the albums into totally catchy tunes live. Sooooooo good. Great stage banter, completely engaging. Woot!