Pitchfork: New Pornographers

Tracy: The sound was great, probably the best it’s been all weekend. I thought they sounded awesome, I thought they were really great actually.

Jenn: I’m just really not a big fan but they have a good groove and it’s hard not to get into it while they’re on. But it all sounds kind of the same

Carlos: I enjoyed them, they were really good. They were really fun to listen to, very catchy.

Duff: They always put on a good show live. But they don’t really “last” beyond that for me. Felt the same at Lollapalooza: enjoyed them live, went out and bought the album, but it just doesn’t thrill me to listen to. When the singles come up on shuffle, they’re enjoyable enough, but the overall album isn’t very interesting. Wasn’t expecting to hear them do a Queen cover…